Thursday, April 15, 2010


Breakfast: (need to add when I ate it)

Two bowls of Honey bunches of oats with skim (powdered) milk.

1 breakfast sandwich with whole wheat english muffin, scrambled eggs, 1 slice cheese, and 1 slice ham.

It is time to get serious

Today I got on the scale.



My "ideal" body weight for my height is 125-164. I think that between 160 and 170 is a good goal. I'll start with 170 and cross any more bridges when I get there.

So Larry and I had a heart-to-heart. We are ready for a change. He thinks the alkaline diet is a good way to go. I am scared of that diet because it is so different than what I am used to. But I am willing to make changes. I just want them to be changes I can stick to for a lifetime.

We are going to start with breakfast. Breakfast will be different. That is the first baby step.

Here goes!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Well, back on the wagon...

I am sad to report that instead of going down on the scale, I've gone up.

To 218.8

Oh well. Might as well start now.

Any ideas about not getting discouraged before I even get started?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Breakfast 2/1/10

1 large bowl of wheat berries with skim milk. I need to measure before next time.
Time: 10:45 am--I need to eat earlier next time.

Back on the wagon!

Well, it is a weekday, and I worked out this morning. (Yoga) I think that counts as exercise. It sure does feel good!

I am going to keep track of everything I eat. I think I am at that point. It is like the first step to budgeting--seeing how much you are REALLY spending in a month. I need to SEE what I am REALLY taking into my body each day. Time to get real on what is holding me back from being healthy.

Also, I am thinking about starting to say some positive affirmations about my body each day. I keep telling it how ugly and horrible it is (in my mind), and I need to let it know that it is wonderful. I think it is kind of like a good form of brainwashing. I've brainwashed myself to the fact that I have an imperfect body by telling it nasty things for as long as I can remember. Now I need to tell it, honestly, that I am glad I have it and that it is truly great. I can do that.

Here are some affirmations:

I have a wonderful, healthy, hard-working body that does everything I ask of it.

I am beautiful. (that one is hard to swallow, but I am brainwashing, i tell you!)

I have been blessed with this amazing body so I can bless the lives of others.

I will take extraordinary care of this fabulous body I have been given so I can accomplish all the things I need to every day.

Okay--I will repeat those a few times every day. I'll let you know how it works.